When a property owner is selecting a competent contractor for farm and ranch construction or repair, it is important to thoroughly vet each company bidding on the work. Many new property owners are not aware of their responsibility concerning damages to utilities, such as a fiber optic cable, in the vicinity of the project site. A competent contractor can keep a land owner out of trouble.
It used to be that a land owner and a contractor would agree on a project such as replacing an old fence.
If the contractor damaged or drilled into a pipeline, the owner of the pipeline would come and fix the problem. In most cases that’s where it stopped. If that same scenario were to occur today, the cost of the repair would be placed on the contractor. If the contractor is not insured and cannot pay for the repair, next responsible party is the property owner. Many times this is an extremely expensive mistake. Not only are the contractor and property owner responsible for the expenses involved with the repair, many times there is also a fee for lost revenue that can be billed by the minute.
A wise property owner should make sure the contractor that is hired is fully insured and can produce a certificate of insurance to prove it. Don’t be afraid to ask for references from your contractors…many times those references can paint a more accurate picture of a contractor’s experience and capabilities. Also be sure, before any work begins on your property, that a one-call is made 48 hours before you dig.
It is true that many times, choosing the prepared, insured, and competent contractor can mean a higher cost of the project, but choosing the unprepared contractor can mean even higher costs for the property owner if a mistake is made.